TravelSlutSara's Pagina US

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Mostra nome: TravelSlutSara
Data di nascita: 07 July, 1998
Situazione sentimentale: Single
Paese: United States
Sesso: Femmina
Orientamento sessuale: Bisessuale
Città: Los Angeles
Altre persone hanno guardato i video di TravelSlutSara: 1M volte
Categoria preferita: Amatoriali
Chi sono: At home they know me as a shy conservative girl. But when I travel, I follow the "what happens abroad, stays abroad" rule. And believe me, a lot happens ;-) Unfortunately due to the pandemic, I can't suck too many traveling cocks at the moment. But I found this great site to keep me satisfied: It's a hung guy traveling the world and fucking all kinds of amateur girls like me that he meets randomly. I bet you'll love too, so I'll be posting some snippets of my favorite scenes on this profile. And when this is over, hopefully we can hang out ;-)
Video pubblici caricati: 146 Video
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