Alexia Gold

PornStar Alexia Gold US

Bio: Alexia Gold is a super cute L.A blonde babe who we love watching getting fucked in the ass. When she spreads her dreamy and creamy pale thighs to show you that seemingly virginal hot pink vajay, you’ll instantly be brewing up a big white wad to offer up to her glorious hole. When Alexia gets cream-pied and that first drop of shiny white cum starts to get pushed out, it’s like seeing a pearl of beauty form in her pussy hole. Alexia was born in LA, so the porn industry wasn’t far away – geographically or spiritually.
Paese: United States
Città: Los Angeles
Data di nascita: 17 November, 1995
Visualizzazione video totale: 16M
Video: 30
Categorie: bellezza, Teenager

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